Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

​Program Inclusion Criteria & Verification Sampling Approach

General Information & Description – 10.1 Inclusion Criteria

  • A Program can include an unlimited number of interventions, starting at different points in time after validation of their inclusion.​
  • An intervention may join the Program if it fulfills certain ‘inclusion criteria’ defined in the validated Program DD
  • All new interventions joining the Program post-initial validation will have to apply the relevant validated quantification approach (per the respective activity) validated at the Program level ​
  • Inclusion criteria are detailed and validated during the initial validation of the IDD/ Program DD and then again every five years during revalidation​
  • These inclusion criteria must stipulate:
    • Geographical boundaries of each intervention/activity​
    • Types of sources of emissions and sinks for the corresponding type of intervention /activity​
    • Quantification Approaches for the corresponding types of activities ​
    • The Monitoring Plan for the corresponding type of activity

A Design Change is required if there is a change to the validated Program’s geography and quantification approach, as well as if new unvalidated activities are added.

Example of Inclusion Criteria Table

Set of eligibility criteria ID1
Geographic area Region: Central US, Hard Winter Wheat Class (reference, Location, Supply Shed)​
Can apply ER/carbon removals generating activities be defined in this set of eligibility criteria? Energy Solutions, Renewable Energy, Solar​
“Checklist” for new interventions intended to be included in the Program
Eligibility CriteriaCompliant (Yes/ No)Justification 
Can apply the GHG quantification approach set out in the Program DD? ​YesCan apply ER/carbon removals generating activities be defined in this set of eligibility criteria? 
Can apply ER/carbon removals generating activities defined in this set of eligibility criteria?  ​YesSame validated activity, (see table X in section y)
Can apply the baseline scenarios defined in the Program DD, corresponding to this combination of geographic area and ER/carbon removals generating activities? ​YesSame baseline scenario, same validated geography and activity (see map and table x,y, section z)
Can demonstrate causality as required in section 6 of the Program DD?  ​Yes ​See justification and documentation, section A

Note: When completing the Program DD for validation, you are expected to define the eligibility criteria in the table (i.e. Geographic Area and ER / Carbon removals generating activities). The “Checklist” will only be completed when new interventions join the program. ​

10.2 Verification Sampling Approach

  • In the context of a Program, a sampling approach to verification can be proposed and adopted if approved by the validation process. ​
  • This approach allows for only a subset of the included interventions to be fully verified in a given reporting year
  • Sampling verification is possible whenever interventions are similar enough to lead to a sufficient level of assurance​
  • Sampling verification only applies to how verification will be conducted. ​
  • The approach should build on a risk-based assessment and typically consider risks related to the type of activity, uncertainty with monitoring, permanence, leakage, double-counting​

Overview of sampling requirements for Intervention Representative (IR) and auditor.

  • IF Sampling/survey plan designed by the IR  
  1. Sampling plan prepared by IR   ​
  2. Sampling plan validated by the auditor  ​
  3. Sampling survey implemented by IR   ​
  4. Sampling results and precision verified by the auditor  ​
  • IF Sampling/survey is not applied by the IR  

In the case of an Intervention/Program design submitted without a sampling plan, the auditor should apply a sampling approach for on-site visits and/or remote surveys as part of validation/verification.  ​

  1. Take a random sample of the Intervention’s records  ​
  2. Use professional judgment to check the acceptability of records  

Key Questions

  • Do you have a set of inclusion criteria that new interventions must meet for inclusion in the program?
  • Have you provided a proposed sampling approach for the verification of interventions within the program?  
  • Is the sampling approach representative? i.e.- does it prescribe a sampling of a subset of data, from a larger group, that portrays similar characteristics?
  • What sampling method, type, and techniques are being proposed?