Lesson 1 of 0
In Progress

Lesson 3: Voluntary Carbon Market


The main goal of this training is:​

  • To provide participants with a complete summary of the Voluntary Carbon Market’s key concepts and operations.

At the end of the training, participants should be able to:​

  • Comprehend the origins and context of the current carbon markets and the climate crisis.​
  • Understand the Voluntary Carbon Market, how it operates, and the main actors around it.​
  • Identify the main standards under the Voluntary Carbon Market and ICROA-endorsed standards:​
  • Comprehend the importance of additionality in the Voluntary Carbon Market.​
  • Learn which are the growth opportunities, as well as risks and challenges in the Voluntary Carbon Market. ​
  • Understand how the Voluntary Carbon Market is linked with the Paris Agreement & Article 6.