Lesson 1 of 0
In Progress

IDD Key Topics II

Desired objectives:

  • Customer is able to define its baseline(s) and quantification approach(es) in the context of each activity ​
  • Customer understands the SC criteria for demonstrating uncertainty, preparing a monitoring plan, and for data quality/management ​
  • Customer understands the SC expectations for completing the modeling annex ​
  • SC shares key questions related to IDD Key Topics II to support the structure of report-out meetings​

Disclaimer​: The information contained in this presentation is confidential, proprietary to ©SustainCERT SA (“SC”), and only for the information of the intended recipient. It may not be used, published or redistributed without the prior written consent of SC.

Aligning with the recommendations formulated during the Intervention Assessment neither replaces the validation and/or verification audit nor guarantees its outcome.