Announcements and Q&A
That is for cases where validation was done remotely.
If the requirement is not met, then the VVB can advise on the monitoring period to be covered and adjust it. VVB should ensure that the monitoring period covered is in line with requirements that require that the monitoring period should be 2 years prior to the site visit date. VVB shall not submit a verification report covering more than 2 or 3 years from the actual site visit date. Please refer to RU_2021_Applicability-of-minimum-site-visit-requirements-by-VVB, section 2.2
Please refer to par 3.2.2 of site visit and remote audit requirements
Yes, the understanding is correct. A physical site visit by VVB is mandatory at the first verification of a project.
At a minimum, the VVB shall conduct a physical site visit within two years of the project start date; and Once within every three years after the first physical site visit date. For example, validation onsite is conducted by GS VVB on 01 Dec 2023, 1st verification onsite should be conducted by 01 Dec 2026. 2) Project Start Date: The Project start date shall be the earliest date on which the Project Developer has committed to expenditures related to the implementation of the Project. This does not include the purchase or option to purchase the land upon which a Project is intended to take place.
A physical site visit by VVB is mandatory at the first verification of a project.
The audit team collectively shall have the required competencies for conducting the audit, meaning at least one of the team members shall be qualified as GS approved auditor. See sections 7.6.1 and 7.6.2. of the VVB requirements.
Submission has to be rescinded and a confirmation letter from the other standard on rescinding the submission be submitted.
It’s a voluntary contribution. VVBs are encouraged to provide comments, especially around the audibility of a methodology, during the Public Consultation period of a methodology approval or revision process. The page containing all past and present public consultations is The Methodology Approval Procedure is:
For example, If the developer fails to submit the request for approval within one year, the design change component shall not be eligible for Gold Standard Certification. PD shall request deviation on this rule and justify the delay reason, i.e. deviation must be obtained, which impacts the design change validation timeline.
VVB shall inform the PD that the requirement has not been met and a negative verification opinion will be provided.
The VVB shall liaise with PD to submit the deviation request and wait for the outcome of GS before preparing a final report in order to factor in the GS decision outcome.
You can reach out to who can provide you with a clear fee structure for your particular project; the design change fee is based on the annual average VER volume after the design change.
Please contact the GS standard team on methodology development at
You only change the monitoring plan and monitoring parameters table. However, that is only possible if the project operation design is not affected. If the operation is affected, then you need to ensure that the ER calculation process is not affected too, and then you need to ensure that the changes are reflected in all relevant sections, including the project description on the SustainCERT app, if necessary.
Please contact the GS standard team on standard types extension for transition projects, at
Yes but with conditions. Please refer to Renewable Energy Activity Requirements.
Please contact
At the Design Renewal stage, the baseline is reassessed to see if it is in line with the GS principles and requires a redefinition for LUF projects. For projects applying AR methodology this reassessment at the time of renewal may not be necessary – however, its applicability of reassessment is determined at the renewal level. Please refer to 3.1.12 of
Land-use & Forests Activity Requirements – Gold Standard for the Global Goals and 8.9.7
Program of Activity Requirements – Gold Standard for the Global Goals
For GS4GG rule clarifications, please use the Clarification Request Form:
When emissions from fuel production, transport, and similar are included to determine a project-specific emission factor, then the following shall apply as well: The project boundary must include these processes;
Avoidance of double counting considerations (see two parameter tables) must cover all steps in the project boundary
The determination of the specific emissions from these sources is fully documented and evidenced in the PDD
These provisions may be applied to include the actual GHG emissions happening upstream in charcoal production in the charcoal emission factor; however, emission factors higher than the methodology cap are not permitted.
Water consumption is used for drinking, food preparation, and cleaning.
At SustainCERT we hope you found the session informative and valuable. Remember, if you have any questions or would like further information, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at
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